Water controls pretty much all of our bodily functions. Without enough pure, filtered water, your body cannot carry out its life processes. You should be drinking:
8 t0 10 8 oz glasses of pure water every day
(for children 2 and older)
That's 64 to 80 oz per day- almost 2.5 liters.
And that is for someone of an average weight, living in an average climate. In exceptionally dry places, you should be drinking even more. Overweight people should also be drinking even more.

Water is vital for eliminating toxins (including harmful fats) from the body. Drinking more water help with many health issues, including acne, diarrhea, edema, immune function, and toxicity.
Sodas, coffee, tea, and juice don't count. Only pure water that is free of other impurities (sugars, caffeine, etc.).
This is especially important for children. Many parents give their children juices, powdered drinks, or sports drinks, and odds are high that the child is not getting enough water when these drinks are offered. I'm not even going to go into the sugar content and artificial colors and flavors contained in most of these "drinks." If you do give your child juice (once a day is ok), make sure it's 100% organic juice with no added ingredients. And dilute it with pure water. Otherwise, it is very important to offer only pure water. The growth, brain function, and health of your child is at stake. Here is an excellent
site that goes a little more in depth as to the function of water and how to keep your child hydrated.
It is suggested that tap water which has been BOTH
ozonated and filtered through an
activated charcoal filter is the best, purest choice. If buying bottled water, choose mineral water. Never choose distilled water unless you are doing a heavy metal detox, and then only drink it for a short period, as it is lacking vital minerals.
Tap water can be harmful. In most municipalities things like chlorine and fluoride are added. Both of these things can be toxic. (More on fluoride later) Tap water may also contain carcinogens, heavy metals from the pipes, traces of phalates,
etc.There have also been suggestions that there are health benefits to drinking water both iced and at room temperature. So, have at it!
Purify your water, and drink it to your heart's content! If you are used to flavored drinks, don't worry, it doesn't take long for your taste buds to truly appreciate a glass of pure nourishing water.
Water gives us life. Let's honor that.