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one girl's quest to follow her heart... into her food

You can call me vegan, but definitions can get messy. I haven't eaten animal products in a year and a half, but I didn't throw away all my leather shoes when I turned vegan, because I also believe in no waste. I don't eat animal foods for ethical reasons, and I eat plant foods for health reasons. I don't believe that an animal-free diet is right for everyone, but I do believe that a conscious connection to our food is vital. I am a nutritional consultant, and I am in school to further my knowledge of holistic health. I love life and health and think the two are inseparable. This blog ponders what we put into and onto our bodies. We really are what we eat, and because the skin is so great at absorption, we are what we wear, too. Through this blog, I will explore cruelty-free, toxin-free, chemical-free, GMO-free, and big corporation-free methods of eating and caring for our bodies. Hippocrates had it right when he said, "Let thy food be thy medicine."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Genetically Modified Foods

Today I came across this article about the possible FDA approval of genetically modified salmon. This makes me feel ill in so many ways. Not only is salmon farming a horrible idea to begin with, as it breeds all sorts of disease, adversely affects wild salmon populations and local fishing economies, and creates fish that has more bad fats, and 50% less Omega3's than w ild salmon (Goodall). Furthermore, farmed salmon has to be dyed pink because it doesn't get the right nutrients in the farm as it does in the wild to be naturally pink. Now we are adding genetically modified organisms to the mix. This sounds like a recipe for disaster! Be wary because this stuff could hit the shelves, and as of now there are no laws requiring its labeling.

There is so much more to eating a healthy diet than making sure to get your fruits and veggies. Unfortunately so many of the crops in the U.S. are genetically modified. This is especially true for soy and corn, and these two foods are used in almost every packaged food you will find in the grocery store. Not only that, but these things are fed to animals that eventually end up on the plates of the majority of Americans. Also canola and cotton are modified frequently.

If you are unfamiliar with GMO food, here is the wikipedia definition: "GMO foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms. Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques."

These techniques alter the food to make it resistant to pesticides, drought tolerant, or breed faster. There are so many problems with this, however. GMO crops are contaminating natural crops close to where they are grown. Because they are resistant to things that keep life in check in nature (i.e. wind, bugs, water, other plants), it means that they can proliferate with nothing to stop them. They can take over areas, and other farmers' crops. Since they can unknowingly cross pollinate with other plants, it is impossible to know what percentage of non-GMO foods are actually now carrying GMO genes. This is scary business.

The health risks in humans has not been adequately studied, but several studies have shown adverse affects in lab animals. Humans have reported many allergic reactions and other health problems in association with GMO's. Monarch butterfly caterpillars were proven to have a high mortality rate from pollen from Bt corn, according to one study. In another study, lab rats who were fed GM potatoes "suffered weakened immune systems, and damaged thymus and spleen. Some of the rats had smaller, less-developed brains, livers, and testicles. Yet others had enlarged tissues, including pancreases and intestines. These serious effects were apparent within ten days of eating the potatoes" (Goodall 61). In another study, rats fed FlavrSavr GMO tomatoes developed stomach lesions, and seven out of forty of them died within 2 weeks. (Goodall 60). Furthermore, in many situations, animals have shown preference for organic foods over GMO foods. Wild geese eat canola from non-GMO fields versus the GMO fields. One farmer offered his cows one trough of Bt corn and one of natural corn, and every single cow chose the natural corn. The same has been observed in hogs, mice, rats, and chimpanzees. (Goodall).

So is it really worth the risk? The only benefits of GM food is to the producers, who make a fat profit, and eventually to the drug companies who can sell you drugs when your health declines.

Be aware that there are NO LAWS requiring the labeling of GMO foods in the U.S. These foods can be in anything, and we the consumers have no rights to know this. The only way you can avoid these foods is to buy organic. GMO's are not allowed in organic foods.

GM foods contaminate wild populations, promote the use of pesticides and other chemicals, take resources away from naturally grown food and the people who grow it, etc., etc.

Please visit Say No to GMO's for more detailed information.

More resources include
Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating by Jane Goodall. 2005.
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. 2006.
Seeds of Deception
FDA Hearing

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