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one girl's quest to follow her heart... into her food

You can call me vegan, but definitions can get messy. I haven't eaten animal products in a year and a half, but I didn't throw away all my leather shoes when I turned vegan, because I also believe in no waste. I don't eat animal foods for ethical reasons, and I eat plant foods for health reasons. I don't believe that an animal-free diet is right for everyone, but I do believe that a conscious connection to our food is vital. I am a nutritional consultant, and I am in school to further my knowledge of holistic health. I love life and health and think the two are inseparable. This blog ponders what we put into and onto our bodies. We really are what we eat, and because the skin is so great at absorption, we are what we wear, too. Through this blog, I will explore cruelty-free, toxin-free, chemical-free, GMO-free, and big corporation-free methods of eating and caring for our bodies. Hippocrates had it right when he said, "Let thy food be thy medicine."

Saturday, July 7, 2012


An article on mindfulness:

Present Moment Sucks

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